Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Minty Mocha Marble Cake

I've modified the marble cake recipe that i've got from the internet and called it Minty Mocha Marble cake. I've added varlhona cocoa powder + mocha powder + vanilla essence into one half of the batter and some green colouring + mint extract in the other.
Result = Minty Mocha and i've used the bain-marie baking method and the cake comes out super moist and delicious.

Click on the picture to see how moist it is!

250g butter
250g SR flour
4tbsp cream + 1 tbsp for the mocha batter
260g caster sugar
4 eggs
vanilla essence
varlhona cocoa powder
mocha powder

apple green colouring
mint extract
Bain marie : 180 deg 1 hr

1 comment:

PaTan said...

Hi! Oh...I love your marble cake and I love to have it for my breakfast tomorrow...with my fav coffee. May I??

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